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Review of Vukari - "Divination"


By: Geoff Teach

Atmospheric metal is a rather broad appellation, but when it comes to describing the sound of Chicago's Vukari, that's probably about as close as one can manage. Sometimes black, sometimes post, and always powerful, the potently charismatic music that emanates from this dynamic quartet is anything but easily defined - and now, with the recent release of their second full-length album, Divination (Bindrune Recordings), all of my skills as a writer are being tested in order to put Vukari's unique sound into words.

Resonant, memorable, and recherché, Vukari's Divination is world class atmospheric black metal of the highest order. Distinguished and uncompromising, this new release is eight compelling tracks worth of ups, downs, highs, lows, and every nebulous thing in between.

Seeming to grow stronger with each passing song, Vukari's new album begins with a whisper in "Divination I", only then to become the initially tumultuous roar of "Divination II", whose spellbinding main riffs encapsulate all that is so fetching and fascinating about this talented act's composing.

Moving along further into Divination, songs like "Cursus Honorus", the floating, elegant, and organically intense "Ad Delirium II", and the pounding, relentless "Sovereignty Through Extreme Tyranny" rise to the top as the finest selections, but like any metal act worth its salt, Vukari saves their best for last. The final cut, "Bathe In The Divine Light", is over ten minutes of rippling black metal undulation that is uncommonly jaw-dropping - and also a fitting end to another outstanding album from this ever-evolving foursome.

Go and order yourself a copy of Divination by Vukari today, and experience some of the finest atmospheric metal being made - here or anywhere - posthaste.

To listen to Divination, just press play below!

Related Vukari Link:


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