Review of Coscradh - "Demo MMXVI"
By: Geoff Teach
Black metal's global proliferation is astounding. Spiraling out from its Scandinavian starting point, black metal's nihilistic brutality has spread far and wide to conquer every inhabited continent - and yet despite knowing this, I was still somewhat thrown-off guard when I discovered the brilliant music brought forth from the Emerald Isles of Ireland by Coscradh.
Expertly fusing together aspects of their ancient ancestry, classic black, death, and doom metal, Coscradh (Gaelic for "to massacre or slaughter") have recently released a starkly impressive four-track debut on Invictus Productions that ensnares the senses and arouses the spirit.
Initially issued in the old-school cassette tape format, Coscradh's debut contains a quatrain of quality compositions, each song spectacular in its own way. The opener, "Buried" is a death-riff laden, psychedelic descent into black metal madness, "Lynch" blasts away at your brain with its furious rhythms, "Drowned" (my favorite) is a seven-minute maelstrom of malevolent musical mastery, and the closing track "Coscartac" is a doomy, reverberated arrangement straight from the depths of Ifreann.
In short, the twenty-four minutes of metal contained on Coscradh's debut are comprehensively striking, and I earnestly recommend that you listen to these tenebrous tunes and share them with your like-minded friends as soon as inhumanly possible.
To check out Demo MMXVI in its entirety, just press play below!
Related Coscradh Links: